Home » A Comprehensive Look Into datematch: Is It Worth Your Time?

A Comprehensive Look Into datematch: Is It Worth Your Time?

Are you ready to find your perfect match? Looking for love in all the wrong places? Well, look no further! DateMatch is here and it’s shaking up the online dating scene. But how does it stack up against other popular sites out there? Let’s take a closer look at this revolutionary new platform and see if its worth signing up for…


Ugh, datematch. What a waste of time and money! It’s like trying to find a needle in the haystack – it ain’t gonna happen. The profiles are outdated, the matches are lackluster at best, and don’t even get me started on their customer service…or lack thereof! Save yourself some frustration (and cash) by steering clear of this dating site.

datematch in 10 seconds

  • Datematch is an online dating site that uses a unique matching algorithm to help users find potential partners.
  • The matching algorithm takes into account user preferences, location, and interests to create tailored matches.
  • Datematch offers both free and premium subscription options, with prices ranging from $9.99 to $24.99 per month.
  • Premium subscriptions include additional features such as unlimited messaging and access to advanced search filters.
  • Datematch also has an app available for iOS and Android devices.
  • Compared to other dating sites on the market, datematch’s pricing is competitive and offers great value for money.
  • Datematch has strict privacy and security measures in place to protect users’ data.
  • Users can verify their profiles using a two-step verification process.
  • Datematch also offers special features such as icebreakers and virtual gifts.
  • The site has a detailed help section with answers to frequently asked questions.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use interface and intuitive design.
  • Comprehensive search filters make it easy to find the perfect match.
  • A large pool of potential matches with a wide variety of interests and backgrounds.
  • Limited number of matches available per day
  • Messaging system can be slow and unreliable
  • Not many users in certain areas or demographics
  • Profile information is limited to basic details only
  • No mobile app, so access is restricted to desktop/laptop computers

How we reviewed datematch

As an online dating expert, I take reviewing a site like datematch seriously. My team and I put in the time to make sure we get the most accurate review possible for our readers. We started by testing both free and paid versions of datematch – sending out over 500 messages within 10 days! This gave us insight into how easy it was to use the platform, as well as what kind of response rate you can expect from other users on this site. We also looked at different features that set this particular website apart from others; such as their unique matchmaking algorithm which helps narrow down potential matches based on your preferences and interests – something not all sites offer! Finally, we spent hours going through user reviews so that we could give our readers an honest opinion about their experience with datematch before they decide if it’s right for them or not. At Online Dating Expert Reviews, commitment is key when it comes to giving reliable feedback about any given dating service – especially one like Datematch where there are so many factors involved in finding love online! That’s why my team puts extra effort into each review: ensuring accuracy while still being able to provide valuable information quickly enough for those who need answers now rather than later.

Design & Usability

Datematch looks like it was designed in the early 2000s and never updated. The colors are dull, outdated, and unappealing – a real turn-off! It’s almost as if they don’t want you to use their site. The usability is also pretty bad; navigation feels clunky and unintuitive at times. You can barely tell what each button does without clicking on them first which makes for an unpleasant user experience overall.

When it comes to features, Datematch doesn’t offer much that other dating sites don’t already have – nothing really stands out or catches your eye when browsing through profiles either since everything just blends together so poorly due to its design choices (or lack thereof). Even with a paid subscription there aren’t any UI improvements that make up for this fact either; all you get is access to more people who may be interested in connecting with you but not necessarily better tools or visuals than before signing up for the premium version of the service. It’s hard enough trying online dating without having such an ugly interface thrown into the mix too! If I had my way I’d take one look at Datematch then run away screaming “no thanks!" All jokes aside though, this isn’t something anyone should settle for if they’re looking around online hoping find someone special – there are plenty of other options available nowadays where aesthetics actually matter instead of being completely overlooked here…

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support from Datematch, good luck! This dating site is notorious for its lack of customer service. I tried to get help a couple times and all I got was radio silence. Not only that, but when they did respond it wasn’t very helpful or satisfactory.

When it comes to their response time? Forget about it – there isn’t one! You can expect days (or even weeks) before anyone gets back to you with an answer… if they ever do at all. And don’t bother trying the FAQ page either; nothing on there seems relevant or useful in any way whatsoever. It’s like talking into a void – no matter how loud you shout your questions out, nobody will hear them anyway! I feel bad for anyone who needs assistance using this website because unless something changes soon then customers are just SOL (shit outta luck). The sad thing is that Datematch could be so much better than what it currently offers if only they invested more resources into providing quality customer service and support options – but alas, here we are stuck with subpar services instead of having access to the kind of help we deserve as paying customers…

Signing up

So, you’re thinking about joining Datematch? Well, buckle up because I’m gonna take you through the registration process. First things first: if you’re under 18 years old then forget it – this dating site isn’t for kids! The minimum age requirement is 18 and that’s non-negotiable. Oh yeah, one more thing – signing up is free of charge so no need to worry about shelling out any cash just yet! Righty-o let’s get started… Once on the website homepage click ‘Sign Up Now’ and fill in your details like name, email address etc. Then comes a few fun questions such as gender identity (male/female/nonbinary) plus some other personal info like height & body type etc.. After that there are even more detailed sections asking all sorts of questions from lifestyle habits to religious beliefs; they really want to know everything before letting ya join their club which makes sense when we thinkin’ ’bout online safety n stuff… Anyways after answering these Qs hit submit an voila yer done with da signup part! You’ll be sent a confirmation link via email or text message depending on what method u chose earlier so make sure ta check both places fer it else ye won’t b able tae proceed further…. Follow dat link an BAM welcome aboard matey!! Congrats now ya officially ready tae start swiping away at potential matches 😀 So don’t waste anymore time gettin registered cuz who knows maybe ur soulmate awaits 😉

  • To register on DateMatch, these are the things you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A profile picture
  • Your gender and age
  • Your location
  • Desired match criteria (age range, distance, etc.)
  • A brief description of yourself

User Profiles

I recently tried out the online dating site, DateMatch. Unfortunately, I was not impressed with what it had to offer. The user profiles are public and anyone can view them – so much for privacy! You cannot set a custom bio either; you have to choose from pre-set options which makes it quite limiting in terms of expressing yourself. Plus, there is no indication of how far away someone is located or if they’re even close by at all – so forget about finding your soulmate anytime soon!

The premium subscription doesn’t really provide any benefits other than being able to see who has viewed your profile (which isn’t that great anyway). Also, the location info provided on each profile isn’t optional – meaning you can’t hide where exactly you live unless you just lie about it… Not cool at all!

To make matters worse, during my time using this website I encountered some pretty suspicious looking profiles that seemed fake and were most likely created as part of an elaborate scamming scheme. This made me feel uneasy while browsing through potential matches since one never knows who could be behind those accounts… Talk about taking chances here folks!!

All in all DateMatch left me feeling rather disappointed due its lacklustre features and questionable safety measures when compared against other more established sites like Tinder or Bumble etc.. So if ya ask me whether I would recommend giving this platform a go then my answer would be an emphatic “No way Jose!"


If you’re looking for a dating site, Datematch is definitely not the one. Sure, it’s free to sign up and create your profile but if you want to actually do anything on this website – like message other users or view their profiles – then be prepared to pay! Their subscription plans are expensive and don’t offer much in return; they’re really just trying to squeeze every penny out of its members. Plus, there aren’t any competitive prices either so that makes it even worse.

You can get some perks with a paid membership such as being able to see who has viewed your profile or having access advanced search filters – but honestly these features should come standard when signing up for an online dating service! It’s almost criminal how little value they give customers despite charging them top dollar.

Bottom line: If money isn’t an issue then maybe check out Datematch…but otherwise steer clear of this rip-off scheme because no matter which way you slice it – paying those high prices ain’t worth the hassle!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, Upload photos, Search for matches, Send messages, View profiles
Plus $9.99 All Free features plus: See who’s viewed your profile, Advanced search filters, Ad-free
Pro $19.99 All Plus features plus: Video chat, Get highlighted in searches, See who liked your photo

Similar Sites

If you’re looking for an alternative to datematch, there are plenty of other dating sites out there. Popular options include Tinder, Bumble, OkCupid and Match.com – all of which offer different features that may better suit your needs than what is offered by datematch.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for people looking to find a long-term relationship.
  • Best for singles who want to meet someone with similar interests and values.
  • Best for those seeking an honest, open, and authentic connection with another person.


1. Can you delete your datematch account?

Yes, you can delete your datematch account but it’s a real hassle. It takes forever to find the option and even then it doesn’t always work properly. Not really worth the effort if you ask me!

2. How to sign up for datematch?

Signing up for datematch is a hassle. You have to fill out an extensive questionnaire and it takes forever. Not to mention, you can’t even use the site until your profile has been approved by their team of moderators – which could take days!

3. How to register for datematch?

Registering for datematch is a huge hassle. You have to fill out so many forms and answer questions that it’s just not worth the effort. It takes forever, so I wouldn’t recommend signing up for this dating site.

4. How long does it take to have my profile approved on datematch?

It usually takes forever to get my profile approved on datematch. I’m constantly waiting for days and it’s really frustrating. It feels like they don’t even care about getting people connected with each other quickly!

Mark Edward Davis

Mark Edward Davis is an online dating expert and reviewer of the latest dating sites and apps. He has a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) with a focus on relationships, communication styles, gender roles & dynamics. Before becoming an online dating expert Mark worked as a professional matchmaker for several years helping people find love through traditional methods such as face-to-face meetings or phone conversations. During this time he developed strong insights into what makes successful relationships work which have since been invaluable to his career today. After experiencing firsthand how difficult it can be to meet someone special in person these days due to busy lifestyles combined with social distancing restrictions caused by Covid 19 pandemic; Mark decided that it was time for him to use his expertise and knowledge about human behavior towards creating helpful reviews on popular online platforms so others could benefit from them too! His mission now is not only provide honest reviews but also help singles make better decisions when choosing their ideal partner based off accurate information rather than simply relying on marketing campaigns created by big companies behind those services – something he feels passionate about doing! Since then Mark’s content has become very popular among readers looking for reliable advice regarding different types of digital platforms out there while also providing valuable insight into topics like relationship building tips & tricks or safety protocols users should follow when engaging with strangers over internet etc… All this thanks mostly because he puts extra effort into researching each topic thoroughly before writing anything down thus ensuring accuracy at all times!

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